So we're all in this apartment. Trapped. Adam Yamaguchi's there. We can't leave. We hear knocks on the walls and on different doors, but we can't enter certain rooms or we'll get taken by the aliens who monitor us, and be experimented on. Experiment? They strap us to gurney's and have sex with us. And then they let us come back into the apartment. Adam Yamaguchi disappears, and reemerges naked, sweating, with a stab wound in his upper left thigh. Experiment? We're all kept here like pets for their personal use. The aliens constantly watch us. They can see and hear everything we do. We're really not supposed to talk about them, or act even act like they're there, but I do. Fuck 'em. Aliens are wack. They're fucking cowards. They try to use the fact that they're concealed so that they can seem more threatening. They want to control us with fear, so that what we don't see, what we don't know, is all the more frightening. They don't scare me. I'm sure if I was standing across from one, face to face, I'd kick its ass. Fucking assholes speak to us from intercoms, never face to face. They go and they do their shit in different rooms in the apartment, and when we wanna go in those rooms we can't. We just gotta act like they're not there. Like for no reason we just can't go in a room and use it. Not because aliens are in it, NO, who would ever think that??? We have to pretend like we decided we just didn't wanna go in there in the first place, 'cuz we're not even allowed to acknowledge the fact that their stupid asses even exist! We all know they're in there! If the door is locked and everyone else is in one room and the place is run by aliens, WHO THE FUCK ELSE WOULD BE IN THERE?!?! Aliens are so fucking lame. I fucking hate them.