Today Mark read me my horoscope in NOW Magazine...
...Although I don't really believe in horoscopes, I was inspired by the proposed self-inventory. Here are my responses. Enjoy! Happy Rosh Hashana!

1. What would you like to leave behind from the past 12 months?
I would like to leave everything from the past behind and ground myself in the present moment as much as I can. I would like to leave behind all anger, fear, anxiety, insecurity, doubt, sadness, pain, resentment and  negative thoughts that have haunted me in the past 12 months. 

2. What has prevented you from living up to your highest standards and being your very best self?
Myself. My negative thoughts and my material comforts and attachments.

3. What would you love to bring with you into the next 12 months?
Love, positivity, forgiveness and compassion. Trust in the present moment and faith in the Universe and God.

4. Who served as a teacher for you in the past year?
I guess the most significant teacher would be Louise Hay, and her ideas about the power of thought.

5.Were you a teacher for anyone?
I tried to be.  Especially to my little friend Alex. 

6. How will you go about forgiving?
Without prejudice, hopefully!
